You will be probably be fairly tired when you arrive at your new home.
It will take you time to unpack and get your new house arranged exactly how you want it (some people never get it exactly how they want!). However, the following tips will allow you to move comfortably into your house in the first couple of days:
1. Unpack your survival kit. The box you packed all the essentials in should be the first one off the van. This should also be unpacked first as it will contain essentials including cleaning products, toiletries for your first night, phone chargers etc.
2. Always put the beds up first. The last thing you'll want to be doing on the day of moving is put up your bed at midnight when you are already tired. Getting the beds sorted out first means you can go whenever you need!
3. Switch on all of your utilities. Hopefully, the sellers should have turned off the utilies in your new house. You should turn all these back on when you arrive. Pay special attention to the hot water/boiler.
4. Find your utility meters and take readings. Send these off to the relevant company IMMEDIATELY so that you can start your new account and verify the readings that your sellers have potentially already given them.
5. Familiarise yourself with the keys to your property. Always keep a key to one door on your person to avoid getting locked out (believe us, this does happen!). Better still, arrange for a lock smith to change all of the locks at your property to give yourself added security.
6. Keep pets inside if possible. Some pets, especially cats, need to get used to their surroundings before they feel comfortable enough to venture outside.
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